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Cum se caseaza locomotivele pe la altii...

MesajScris: 21 Mar 2010, 09:40
de zimbrulcarpatin
Tot pierzand vremea pe "goagal", am dat peste urmatorul articol al National Geographic. Destul de interesant zic eu... :)
In cele ce urmeaza reproduc textul ce insotea respectivul articol. Doresc sa mentionez ca articolul beneficiaza de un scurt documentar... Vizionare placuta!

Railroads are the backbone of American industry. 170,000 miles of track crisscross the country from coast to coast, moving two billion tons of freight nationally every year. But nothing lasts forever, and that includes a couple of 180-ton locomotives. Their engine technology is inefficient so theyre headed for the scrap dealer where theyll be cut down and cannibalized. Any salvageable parts must come out intact for resale, while leftover metals like steel and copper will be cut up, melted down, and ultimately reformed into new products. In this business, nothing goes to waste. Get an inside look at the unknown world of scrap, where locomotives go to dieand be reborn.


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Re: Cum se caseaza locomotivele pe la altii...

MesajScris: 02 Apr 2010, 18:04
de danny96
Cam trist pentru un Pasionat Feroviar cand vede ca o locomotva este casata... :(

Re: Cum se caseaza locomotivele pe la altii...

MesajScris: 02 Apr 2010, 19:44
de Daniel
Din pacate, se intimpla cam des... In Romania in anul 1998 au fost matrasite majoritatea "didinelor" undeva la Strehaia. Ce nume predestinat... In acelasi an, la combinatul siderurgic Galati s-au casat nenumarate aburoase, unele dintre ele probabil din fosta flota strategica a Romaniei... Dar cum banu e ochiu dracului... :angry-teeth: